11am-11:30am // Meditation and Mindfulness Workshop (hosted by UCLA Mindfulness Awareness Research Center) OR Dance Workshop (hosted by Chinese Cultural Dance Club at UCLA)
11:30am-12pm // Importance of Good Sleep Workshop (hosted by Western University of Health Sciences)
12pm-12:30pm // Understanding COVID-19 Fatigue Workshop (hosted by Western University of Health Sciences Workshop)
12:30pm-1pm // Mental Health and Wellbeing During COVID-19 Workshop (hosted by Chinatown Service Center)
1pm-1:30pm // Asian Pacific Islander (API) Diet & Nutrition Workshop (hosted by Asian Pacific Health Corps at UCLA)
1:30pm-2pm // COVID-19 Vaccine Information Workshop (hosted by Asian Pacific Health Corps at UCLA)
Zoom information for ALL health workshops: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/98990124236?pwd=K2lCN2J2M3U5WUJvK2Q2NGsyaDUvZz09
Meeting ID: 989 9012 4236
Passcode: 467706
Private Physician Consultations from UCLA Health and/or Mental Health Consultations (2pm-4pm):
Register HERE for a consultation:
English: https://forms.gle/Vjc6MpsCRnaaxs7YA
Mandarin: https://forms.gle/D96gDn6wWnAuYCz27
All private consultations will be held on HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform "VSee." During the days leading up to the health fair, we will be sending you your CUSTOM link and time that your consultation will take place. Our physicians are fluent in English and Mandarin. No insurance is necessary.
For more information:
Health Fair Brochure: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KkVOPBsfwWubWRxV8jo8CEKkerTBGHHJ/view?usp=sharing
Visit our Health Fair website: https://aphcatucla.weebly.com/winter-virtual-health-fair-2021-healthy-mind-healthy-body.html
Health Fair Informational Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hC0YghioM6MdSaH2W1zKBUDywLFFmnv-/view?usp=sharing
Health Fair Services Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1flH1KxfSa2KoqDLXPX_lYDNnsAS-JJi7/view?usp=sharing
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: March 6
20th Anniversary Los Angeles Lantern Festival
Later Event: March 9
A Conversation about California's College Readiness Challenges