Rachel Benitez is the Data and Administrative Assistant at APCF, where she is responsible for maintaining the organization’s data integrity and ensuring seamless operations between the departments. She is responsible for data management, creating, editing, and filtering complex spreadsheets and charts on Excel and within Salesforce. Additionally, she provides support to the organization’s events and campaigns, ensuring that the organization can plan and execute successful initiatives. Previously, she had extensive experience working in the healthcare field, in outpatient and rehabilitation clinics both as medical assistant and in back-end direct patient care. As a part of the API community, she expresses her connection through her hula dancing, where she is able to showcase the beauty of Hawaiian culture in her halau performances. She is also heavily involved in her community church in Montebello, which is mainly made up of the local Filipino community. Rachel currently holds a BS in Exercise Science from Cal State LA, and is now working on her Master’s in Data Science.