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Engines For A New American Narrative

Join VC's Executive Director, Francis Cullado on August 1st at Blackstar Film Festival 2024 for their in-person panel: Engines for a New American Narrative co-presented by Color Congress. The panel will feature Anurima Bhargava, Francis Cullado, Marángeli Mejia-Rabell, Nadine Patterson, moderated by Sahar Driver and Sonya Childress.


Documentary filmmakers of color have always sought out creative and political homes to hone their craft and bring their work to audiences. Often that home is an organization led by people like them – filmmakers who share their commitment to authorship, agency, community accountability, and liberation. Yet for years this patchwork of organizations was largely disconnected and operating with an abundance of passion and rigor, but a dearth of resources. And now, as organizations focused on building equity for the marginalized identity communities they serve, they face increased scrutiny and challenges to their work.

A new report – The People of Color Documentary Ecosystem: Engines for a New American Narrative – reveals the power and potential of a newly-connected network of 100+ POC-led and serving organizations across the U.S. and islands and invites documentary field leaders, funders, and people in aligned sectors to step up to resource, support, and protect this ecosystem. Join the people who are tracking these challenges closely, as well as the leaders who have the most at stake in the documentary field as they reflect on their experience blazing pathways for courageous, bold nonfiction work, and the ways they safeguard that work amid increasing political and economic threats.

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